Department of English and American Studies
Translation and Interpreting Section
Philosophical Faculty of Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic

is pleased to invite you to the

Translation and Interpreting Forum Olomouc 2012

"Tradition and Trends in Trans-Language Communication"

November 10–11, 2012

Adhering to the successful model coined by its opening year (see TIFO 2011) the Translation and Interpreting Forum Olomouc  wants to remain an open platform which is not limited only to an academic exchange within translation studies research but embraces discussion with all players in the field of trans-language and trans-culture communication.

Last year's forum discussed the undergoing changes in the language industry and how they should be reflected in training future translators and interpreters. This year's conference theme "Tradition and Trends in Trans-Language Communication" extends upon this discussion and wants to explore broader context in which the above mentioned changes are happening, from both synchronic and diachronic perspective. Conference sections are suggested as follows:

  • theory and history of translation and interpreting
  • modalities of translation in linguistics 
  • literary translation
  • intercultural and intracultural discourse 
  • development and transferability of cross-language skills
  • language industry issues
  • trans-language through technology

We welcome BOTH papers presenting results of academic research AND contributions by professionals in the field.

Invitation to participate is extended to all parties concerned: academics (teachers and students), professional translators and interpreters, trade organisations and professional institutions, publishing houses, agencies providing language services, "in-house" language departments of transnational corporations, companies developing support tools and technology, et cetera.

The list of speakers has been closed. For information on having your paper published refer to the official paper template.

The detailed programme can be downloaded here.

For participants arriving on Friday there will be an evening guided tour around Olomouc historical inner city (beginning 5:30 p.m.) and a "welcome drink" (beginning 7:00 p.m.) in the restaurant "Victoria" (see on Google Maps). If you want to take part in this informal conference opening event please indicate your interest by e-mail as soon as possible ! 

The conference will take place at Palacky University, Faculty of Science, 17. listopadu 12, Olomouc (see on Google Maps).
The registration has ended.

Organising Committee:  
doc. PhDr. Václav Řeřicha, CSc.
PhDr. Pavel Král 
Mgr. Ondřej Molnár  
Mgr. Josefína Zubáková